
Project details

Reduction type

Attitudinal Change


South Yorkshire

Funding amount



Multi agency conference to share the research on ‘looked after children’ who receive custodial sentences

Quick summary

The funding enabled a conference to launch research into Looked After Young People in Custody. Six  young people were supported to reduce re-offending on release from custody

With funding from the South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit an event was held to offer agencies the opportunity to consider research into the pathways to custody for looked after young people. Attendees learnt more about Children in Care in the Criminal Justice System.

The increased awareness of the issues facing this relatively small group of young people has allowed local authorities to consider their planning and delivery for this sector. Increased awareness of this important issue will support the work of professionals to help improve outcomes for looked after young people in the Criminal Justice System.

As a result of the event one South Yorkshire Local Authority is developing a protocol for Looked After Young People in the Criminal Justice System and others are looking at improving practices and developing innovative solutions to the challenges presented.

The remainder of the grant was used for the In2Out Project which is a service based in Wetherby Youth Offending Institution who supported young people from the South Yorkshire area in custody.

The aim is to reduce reoffending amongst children and young people aged 15-21 years as they leave custody, allowing them to realise their potential, whilst also helping to make communities safer for everyone

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