
Project details

Reduction type

Primary prevention, Secondary prevention



Funding amount



To break the cycle of abuse for children living at the Sheffield Women’s Aid refuge. Intense family support will be offered.

Quick summary

To enhance the service already provided to families at the Women’s Aid refuge by working intensively with families who are at the threshold of social care intervention or to prevent families from reaching this threshold.

The causes of this cycle of abuse are that children who witness this cycle of abuse are at a higher risk of; abusive relationships, poor mental and physical health, substance misuse, criminal behaviour, homelessness and poor parenting skills.

Carefully planned interventions can significantly improve the quality of life and keep mum and child/children together. Intense family support will be offered, showing mum how to build on her skills and be a stronger, more resilient family unit. Also, the activity will be targeted at children who are at the threshold or involved with social care intervention. The benefits will be provided to the children of these mums from the ages of 0 to 16 years, both boys and girls.

The grant will allow for the employment of parenting workers who will work with families in their own self-contained accommodation at the refuge. The parenting workers will ‘foster’ mum and child/children to increase the protective factors they have in their life. They will also show mum and help her build on her skills so they can become a stronger, more stable nurturing family, within their own environment.

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