Project details
Reduction type
Primary prevention
Funding amount
To ensure that children and young people affected by domestic violence and abuse (both at home and those experiencing domestic violence in their own relationships) are, wherever possible, provided with support to deal with their experiences, and to work with partner agencies to deliver programmes aimed at prevention and recovery.
Quick summary
The support programmes are mainly aimed at children, young people and families affected by domestic abuse. The awareness raising programmes are aimed at young people who may come into contact with victims of domestic abuse, or are directly affected themselves.
As well as providing support to young people affected by domestic abuse, to help them deal with their experiences and work with partner agencies in the delivery of programmes focused on prevention and recovery, there are many more further aims of the programme.
These are:
- Overcoming integral trauma by breaking the cycle of abuse
- Addressing emotional harm arising from a child or young person being affected by domestic violence and abuse.
- Strengthening the relationship between the child or young person and their non-abusive parent or carers.
- Supporting effective implementation of the procedures involved in responding to children affected by domestic abuse in safeguarding work
- Have a coordinated response to domestic abuse by including the parents
- Ensure that key agencies understand how to make a referral to specialist support services for children and young people
The funding will enable the expansion of current children and young people’s service to meet the increased demand for support, created through additional domestic abuse referrals, and the impact that COVID – 19 has had on children, young people and their families.
Furthermore, by providing an additional children’s and young persons project worker will aid the delivery of a range of support to individual children and their parents who are affected by domestic abuse.
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