
Football Unites Racism Divides Educational Trust have been awarded funding from the South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit to devise and implement an intervention programme to tackle gang, gun and knife crime.

The South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit have awarded the educational trust £16,288 from this year’s South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Fund.

The funding will provide a Community Champions Project that will challenge youth crime and anti-social behaviour in Sheffield.

The project will train young people as youth workers by equipping them with relevant practical experience.  They will provide youth club sessions, community placements, and workshops in schools, to provide them with the skills and confidence to work with children and young people, including those with challenging behaviour.

Mehrun Ahmed, Co-Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the trust said: “The programme aims to reduce violent crime and anti-social behaviour by providing positive role models, relationship building with individuals and families, diversionary activities and a committed cohort of community volunteers.”

Dr Alan Billings, South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner and Chair of the Violence Reduction Executive Board recently went along to visit the project.  He said: “I recently visited FURD at the U-mix centre and was very impressed by the commitment of everyone I met there.  They are determined to make a real difference for good in the local community.  This project is one crucial way in which we will steer young people away from crime and anti-social behaviour in a part of Sheffield that needs encouragement and support.”

Football United Racism Divides is based in the U-mix Centre in Lowfield, Sheffield.  They use football as a sport to bring people together from different backgrounds and cultures.  To find out more about the charity and the sessions available, please visit their website –