
Initiative details


Plan B is an initiative provided by the South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit working in police custody suites across the county. The Plan B Custody Navigator scheme is delivered by Causeway, and aims to engage people aged 16 and over to help them make the right choices and step away from crime.

The Custody Navigators will engage and listen to those detained in custody and seek to understand how they have become involved in criminality. They will provide help and support aimed to steer them away from criminality and support them on a journey away from the one they are on now.

Plan B is not an alternative to the criminal justice system and proceedings will continue accordingly.  The scheme is an alternative pathway to crime and is a life choice for the individual.


How does Plan B work?

Plan B Custody Navigators will use the custody suites as a ‘reachable and teachable’ moment, visiting detainees and seeking out those who are ready for change. The Navigators will not discuss the circumstances of an arrest or any ongoing criminal investigation. The sole purpose of the visit by the Plan B Custody Navigators will be to work with the detainee to look for ways of removing them from a life of crime.

About Plan B Custody Navigators

All Plan B Custody Navigators are fully trained and non-judgemental. Any information provided to the Custody Navigators will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

The sole purpose of a Custody Navigator is to help those seeking change and to support them to choose a life away from crime.

Copyright BBC and Mark Ansell

Plan B Custody Navigators Leaflet for detainees

Plan B Custody Navigators Leaflet for stakeholders

For more information call 0114 213 2080 or follow the Custody Navigators on Twitter @PlanBNavigators

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