

Honour-based abuse is when family members or acquaintances believe someone has brought shame to their family or community by doing something that goes against the traditional beliefs of their culture. 

The abuse is seen as a punishment to remove the shame. It may be physical, sexual or emotional abuse and it is often committed with the support of family members of the victim, making it difficult to get help.

For example, honour-based abuse might be committed against people who:

  • Become involved with a boyfriend or girlfriend from a different culture or religion
  • Want to get out of an arranged marriage
  • Want to get out of a forced marriage
  • Wear clothes or take part in activities that are not considered to be ‘traditional’ within a particular culture

If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship and you don’t know what to do, please contact us. We will listen and we can help.

Ashiana Sheffield – 0114 2555740  Supports Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee adults,
children and young people fleeing domestic and sexual abuse:

Karma Nirvana National Helpline 0800 5999 247

Doncaster Domestic Abuse Hub – 01302 737080
IDAS Barnsley – 03000 110 110
IDAS Sheffield – 0808 808 2241
Rotherham Rise – 0330 2020571
National 24 Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247

If there is immediate danger, please call 999, or 101 to report an
incident of domestic abuse.

To download these leaflets for printing please click on this link – Domestic Abuse Campaign – A5 Leaflets